A Day To Remember

At last, I was able to visit our local post office, and contrary to what everybody thinks, the people working in the post office were actually very nice, accommodating and friendly, especially Manong Efren who was so talkative, he kept us entertained with some of his customer-related stories, it was past 2:00 pm, the inside of the parcel office was stuffy and humid, thanks to him, we sort of forgot about how uncomfortable it was inside.

This is actually my second time to visit the place, wasn't able to take a picture of the entrance area the first time I visited there.

 Wrong, those are not trash but pile of magazines. 

Nope, these are not garbage, these are also parcels ready to be sorted out.

 Full of dust and very humid, this is the ceiling of the office. The fan hanging isn't working. :(

 The über nice Manong Efren. :D

 The weather was bad, he had a slight walking problem, but never did Manong Efren turned grumpy towards us. >_<

There were literally packages everywhere, and Manong Efren was searching for mine. (Had about 3 parcels during this time)

The other part of the ceiling was really bad, full of cobwebs and dust. Tsk! Tsk! At least the people inside were all smiles. :D

Package, parcels everywhere!

After getting my 3 parcels, had to pay 120 pesos (40 pesos) each to the Post Master. Overall, it was a nice experience and totally unlike what other had. Thumbs up to those people in our post office.

Signing out! :3

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