Whichever way you look at it, "Cheating" will always be a mortal sin to almost all of the people. Hey, who wants to be cheated at? For those who have a relationship, it will cause a major break up and will result to lose trust on your partner. For me, I can always forgive someone who cheated on me, maybe they didn't mean it and as they've said, "Everyone deserves a second chance". But my trust and respect will never be the same. Like a broken glass, it will never return to its original form.

credits to the owner.

Why am I talking about "cheating"? Last Saturday was our Prelim examination. During high school, I failed to make it to the honor list because of some unfortunate events and circumstances. But before I decided to study again, I made a vow, a promise not just to those people I've failed, but mostly for myself that this time, I'm going to show my full potential and make myself proud. So every activities and assignments we had as of the moment, I gave it my all and not just put 100% effort but 200%. Everything work well, until I spotted some of my classmates (about 5 of them were conspiring to open one book to search for the answers of our exam). At first I was flabbergasted! I consider them as my new friends! But what they did during that time was betraying themselves, us, their friends and our teacher. We had a full week to study all our lessons! I'm not in the position to judge them why they weren't able to study, maybe they had important matters to attend, but does that give you the right to cheat? As one of my friend said "Bahala'g gamay akong score basta ako ni tanan answers." (I don't care if I'll get a low score as long as these are all my answers) Almost all of us were already talking a bit too loud just to let them know that we don't approve of what they were doing. But alas! They didn't care! They were like "Who cares?" At that moment, I was more of disgusted than frustrated. Disgusted because it seems like they will do everything just to get ahead of other people even if it's highly unacceptable. I also pity them, will getting a perfect score make them proud? Will it be a beautiful story if you tell them to your family and friends?

We were taught by our parents, teachers and anyone older than us to be truthful. To do what is right, "Honesty is the best policy" right? But it still depends on the person if he/she wants to instill it to his/her life. If he/she wants to live with it.

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