M/V Logos Hope, a Bumb Car ride and a box of Pizza...

The M/V Logos Hope Ship

Our first trip

Should have blogged about this long time ago, but got a bit busy and lazy. Hehe...


Last January 22, 2012, with my higschool friends, we went to M/V Logos Hope, a floating bookstore, with crews members coming from different countries and all of them are volunteers. Cool!

It was just a random thought from my best friend Hana. She was the one who informed us that M/V Logos was in Cebu for a visit. Among all of us, I was the most excited. Few years ago, another floating bookstore sailed in our country, the "M/V Dulos". I was so frustrated that I didn't get the chance to visit the ship for our country, the Philippines was it's last stop for it was retiring soon.

After a delicious dinner, we went straight to Pier 1 where the ship was on dock. The problem was, it took us almost half an hour to get there, we were like a bunch of ninnies getting lost when almost all of us live near the city.

After one eternity (sarcastic?) we finally located the entrance gate. Two happy looking guards greeted our group. We paid 20 pesos each in the ticketing booth for the entrance fee. There were too foreigners on duty. They sound funny and cute while trying to speak Bisaya. This particular guy, I think he came from Germany or Finland (not so sure) was chanting "Gwapa ka! Gwapa ka!" (You're pretty! You're pretty). We're not sure who he was referring to since there were four us :D.

Before we got to the proper bookstore,we viewed in amazement the humble beginnings of the ship, the places they've already visited and the people they made happy via framed pictures hanged on the ship's wall. There was also a replica of what looked like a large sized boat, with a big LCD tv and a life vest. We already have some slight ideas on what was that for but nobody was there so we put on the life vest and took some pictures while wearing it.

It was a good thing none of us was the captain or we would have sank to the bottom of the sea. ;p

Now we have the idea where the crew members retire after a long day.

Neatly arranged shelved books in different categories were on display for the customer's perusal. Romance, Fiction, Suspense, Thriller, Business, Almanacs, Encyclopedia, Children, Religion, Science, World Atlas, Cooking and Culinary books were available. Name it, they got it. All come in reasonable prices (100 units is equivalent to 100 pesos, 50 units = 50 pesos and so on) Christian Gospel songs on CD's, some figurines, mugs, pens, post cards were also for sale. The great thing was, all the crews are on stand by so if you need anything, you only need to ask them, and with a smile on their lips, they will assist you in every way possible.

Mugs, pens, framed pictures, glasses and etc.

Post cards!

Giraffe plushies anyone?

As we explore the interior of the ship, we stumbled upon a gallery of huge pictures with very inspiring images. My personal favorites were the one's with the Lord Jesus Christ. There were also images depicting the problems and temptations of human being. Vices, gamblings, drugs, just to name a few.

A medium sized cafeteria was put up to accomodate those customers who got tired buying books and other things. It was also the place where some crews mingle with the customers. They entertain them by singing lively and upbeat songs. Other crew members played some puppets. They were all very friendly and accommodating! On the far side of the place, a room was put up for those people who wants some counselling. Isn't it great?


I wasn't able to buy anything on our first trip at M/V Logos, so we decided to revisit the ship and hopefully bring home some remembrance.

Nothing has changed since we last set our foot on the ship, it was basically just the same except were given a brief seminar on the large sized boat with the LCD tv and life vest I named above.

I bought a football book or magazine featuring the World Cup 2010 stars and an M/V Logos ballpen, we also received free books! Awesome!

We went to S.M City Ceby afterwards,had dinner at Pizza Hut and went to ride Bumb Cars at World of Fun (it was my first time!)

Free books!

M/V Logos Hope pen.

Lucky to found this!

Pizza Hut!

Need I say more?

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